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Chapter : Israel(17)

Displaying 81-100 of 111 Ayat(s) » page 5/6


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æóÞõáú ÌóÇÁ ÇáúÍóÞøõ æóÒóåóÞó ÇáúÈóÇØöáõ Åöäøó ÇáúÈóÇØöáó ßóÇäó ÒóåõæÞÇð

81 . And say : Truth hath come and falsehood hath vanished away . Lo! falsehood is ever bound to vanish .

listen Israel

æóäõäóÒøöáõ ãöäó ÇáúÞõÑúÂäö ãóÇ åõæó ÔöÝóÇÁ æóÑóÍúãóÉñ áøöáúãõÄúãöäöíäó æóáÇó íóÒöíÏõ ÇáÙøóÇáöãöíäó ÅóáÇøó ÎóÓóÇÑÇð

82 . And We reveal of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy for believers though it increase the evil doers in naught save ruin .

listen Israel

æóÅöÐóÇ ÃóäúÚóãúäóÇ Úóáóì ÇáÅöäÓóÇäö ÃóÚúÑóÖó æóäóÃóì ÈöÌóÇäöÈöåö æóÅöÐóÇ ãóÓøóåõ ÇáÔøóÑøõ ßóÇäó íóÄõæÓÇð

83 . And when We make life pleasant unto man , he turneth away and is averse ; and when ill toucheth him he is in despair .

listen Israel

Þõáú ßõáøñ íóÚúãóáõ Úóáóì ÔóÇßöáóÊöåö ÝóÑóÈøõßõãú ÃóÚúáóãõ Èöãóäú åõæó ÃóåúÏóì ÓóÈöíáÇð

84 . Say : Each one doth according to his rule of conduct , and thy Lord is best aware of him whose way is right .

listen Israel

æóíóÓúÃóáõæäóßó Úóäö ÇáÑøõæÍö Þõáö ÇáÑøõæÍõ ãöäú ÃóãúÑö ÑóÈøöí æóãóÇ ÃõæÊöíÊõã ãøöä ÇáúÚöáúãö ÅöáÇøó ÞóáöíáÇð

85 . They will ask thee concerning the Spirit . Say : The Spirit is by command of my Lord , and of knowledge ye have been vouchsafed but little .

listen Israel

æóáóÆöä ÔöÆúäóÇ áóäóÐúåóÈóäøó ÈöÇáøóÐöí ÃóæúÍóíúäóÇ Åöáóíúßó Ëõãøó áÇó ÊóÌöÏõ áóßó Èöåö ÚóáóíúäóÇ æóßöíáÇð

86 . And if We willed We could withdraw that which We have revealed unto thee , then wouldst thou find no guardian for thee against Us in respect thereof .

listen Israel

ÅöáÇøó ÑóÍúãóÉð ãøöä ÑøóÈøößó Åöäøó ÝóÖúáóåõ ßóÇäó Úóáóíúßó ßóÈöíÑÇð

87 . ( It is naught ) save mercy from thy Lord . Lo! His kindness unto thee was ever great .

listen Israel

Þõá áøóÆöäö ÇÌúÊóãóÚóÊö ÇáÅöäÓõ æóÇáúÌöäøõ Úóáóì Ãóä íóÃúÊõæÇú ÈöãöËúáö åóÜÐóÇ ÇáúÞõÑúÂäö áÇó íóÃúÊõæäó ÈöãöËúáöåö æóáóæú ßóÇäó ÈóÚúÖõåõãú áöÈóÚúÖò ÙóåöíÑÇð

88 . Say : Verily , though mankind and the Jinn should assemble to produce the like of this Quran , they could not produce the like thereof though they were helpers one of another .

listen Israel

æóáóÞóÏú ÕóÑøóÝúäóÇ áöáäøóÇÓö Ýöí åóÜÐóÇ ÇáúÞõÑúÂäö ãöä ßõáøö ãóËóáò ÝóÃóÈóì ÃóßúËóÑõ ÇáäøóÇÓö ÅöáÇøó ßõÝõæÑÇð

89 . And verity We have displayed for mankind in this Quran all kids or similitudes , but most of mankind refuse aught save disbelief .

listen Israel

æóÞóÇáõæÇú áóä äøõÄúãöäó áóßó ÍóÊøóì ÊóÝúÌõÑó áóäóÇ ãöäó ÇáÃóÑúÖö íóäÈõæÚÇð

90 . And they say : We will not put faith in thee till thou cause a spring to gush forth from the earth for us ;

listen Israel

Ãóæú Êóßõæäó áóßó ÌóäøóÉñ ãøöä äøóÎöíáò æóÚöäóÈò ÝóÊõÝóÌøöÑó ÇáÃóäúåóÇÑó ÎöáÇáóåóÇ ÊóÝúÌöíÑÇð

91 . Or thou have a garden of date palms and grapes , and cause rivers to gush forth therein abundantly ;

listen Israel

Ãóæú ÊõÓúÞöØó ÇáÓøóãóÇÁ ßóãóÇ ÒóÚóãúÊó ÚóáóíúäóÇ ßöÓóÝÇð Ãóæú ÊóÃúÊöíó ÈöÇááøåö æóÇáúãóáÂÆößóÉö ÞóÈöíáÇð

92 . Or thou cause the heaven to fall upon us piecemeal , as thou hast pretended , or bring Allah and the angels as a warrant ;

listen Israel

Ãóæú íóßõæäó áóßó ÈóíúÊñ ãøöä ÒõÎúÑõÝò Ãóæú ÊóÑúÞóì Ýöí ÇáÓøóãóÇÁ æóáóä äøõÄúãöäó áöÑõÞöíøößó ÍóÊøóì ÊõäóÒøöáó ÚóáóíúäóÇ ßöÊóÇÈÇð äøóÞúÑóÄõåõ Þõáú ÓõÈúÍóÇäó ÑóÈøöí åóáú ßõäÊõ ÅóáÇøó ÈóÔóÑÇð ÑøóÓõæáÇð

93 . Thou have a house of gold ; or thou ascend up into heaven , and even then we will put no faith in thine ascension till thou bring down for us a book that we can read . Say ( O Muhammad ) : My Lord be glorified! Am I naught save a mortal messenger?

listen Israel

æóãóÇ ãóäóÚó ÇáäøóÇÓó Ãóä íõÄúãöäõæÇú ÅöÐú ÌóÇÁåõãõ ÇáúåõÏóì ÅöáÇøó Ãóä ÞóÇáõæÇú ÃóÈóÚóËó Çááøåõ ÈóÔóÑÇð ÑøóÓõæáÇð

94 . And naught prevented mankind from believing when the guidance came unto them save that they said : Hath Allah sent a mortal as ( His ) messenger?

listen Israel

Þõá áøóæú ßóÇäó Ýöí ÇáÃóÑúÖö ãóáÂÆößóÉñ íóãúÔõæäó ãõØúãóÆöäøöíäó áóäóÒøóáúäóÇ Úóáóíúåöã ãøöäó ÇáÓøóãóÇÁö ãóáóßÇð ÑøóÓõæáÇð

95 . Say : If there were in the earth angels walking secure , We had sent down for them from heaven an angel as messenger .

listen Israel

Þõáú ßóÝóì ÈöÇááøåö ÔóåöíÏÇð Èóíúäöí æóÈóíúäóßõãú Åöäøóåõ ßóÇäó ÈöÚöÈóÇÏöåö ÎóÈöíÑÇð ÈóÕöíÑÇð

96 . Say : Allah sufficeth for a witness between me and you Lo! He is . Knower , Seer of His slaves .

listen Israel

æóãóä íóåúÏö Çááøåõ Ýóåõæó ÇáúãõåúÊóÏö æóãóä íõÖúáöáú Ýóáóä ÊóÌöÏó áóåõãú ÃóæúáöíóÇÁ ãöä Ïõæäöåö æóäóÍúÔõÑõåõãú íóæúãó ÇáúÞöíóÇãóÉö Úóáóì æõÌõæåöåöãú ÚõãúíÇð æóÈõßúãÇð æóÕõãøÇð ãøóÃúæóÇåõãú Ìóåóäøóãõ ßõáøóãóÇ ÎóÈóÊú ÒöÏúäóÇåõãú ÓóÚöíÑÇð

97 . And he whom Allah guideth , he is led aright ; while , as for him whom He sendeth astray , for them thou wilt find no protecting friends beside Him , and We shall assemble them on the Day of Resurrection on their faces , blind , dumb and deaf ; their habitation will be hell ; whenever it abateth , We increase the flame for them .

listen Israel

Ðóáößó ÌóÒóÂÄõåõã ÈöÃóäøóåõãú ßóÝóÑõæÇú ÈöÂíóÇÊöäóÇ æóÞóÇáõæÇú ÃóÆöÐóÇ ßõäøóÇ ÚöÙóÇãÇð æóÑõÝóÇÊÇð ÃóÅöäøóÇ áóãóÈúÚõæËõæäó ÎóáúÞÇð ÌóÏöíÏÇð

98 . That is their reward because they disbelieved Our revelations and said : When we are bones and fragments shall we , forsooth , be raised up as a new creation?

listen Israel

Ãóæóáóãú íóÑóæúÇú Ãóäøó Çááøåó ÇáøóÐöí ÎóáóÞó ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö æóÇáÃóÑúÖó ÞóÇÏöÑñ Úóáóì Ãóä íóÎúáõÞó ãöËúáóåõãú æóÌóÚóáó áóåõãú ÃóÌóáÇð áÇøó ÑóíúÈó Ýöíåö ÝóÃóÈóì ÇáÙøóÇáöãõæäó ÅóáÇøó ßõÝõæÑÇð

99 . Have they not seen that Allah Who created the heavens and the earth is Able to create the like of them , and hath appointed for them an end whereof there is no doubt? But the wrong doers refuse aught save disbelief .

listen Israel

Þõá áøóæú ÃóäÊõãú Êóãúáößõæäó ÎóÒóÂÆöäó ÑóÍúãóÉö ÑóÈøöí ÅöÐÇð áøóÃóãúÓóßúÊõãú ÎóÔúíóÉó ÇáÅöäÝóÇÞö æóßóÇäó ÇáÅäÓóÇäõ ÞóÊõæÑÇð

100 . Say ( unto them ) : If ye possessed the treasures of the mercy of my Lord , ye would surely hold them back for fear of spending , for man was ever grudging .

listen Israel

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