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Chapter : Ta-ha(20)

Displaying 61-80 of 135 Ayat(s) » page 4/7


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ÞóÇáó áóåõã ãøõæÓóì æóíúáóßõãú áóÇ ÊóÝúÊóÑõæÇ Úóáóì Çááøóåö ßóÐöÈÇð ÝóíõÓúÍöÊóßõãú ÈöÚóÐóÇÈò æóÞóÏú ÎóÇÈó ãóäö ÇÝúÊóÑóì

61 . Moses said unto them : Woe unto you! Invent not a lie against Allah , lest He extirpate you by some punishment . He who lieth faileth miserably .

listen Ta-ha

ÝóÊóäóÇÒóÚõæÇ ÃóãúÑóåõã Èóíúäóåõãú æóÃóÓóÑøõæÇ ÇáäøóÌúæóì

62 . Then they debated one with another what they must do , and they kept their counsel secret .

listen Ta-ha

ÞóÇáõæÇ Åöäú åóÐóÇäö áóÓóÇÍöÑóÇäö íõÑöíÏóÇäö Ãóä íõÎúÑöÌóÇßõã ãøöäú ÃóÑúÖößõã ÈöÓöÍúÑöåöãóÇ æóíóÐúåóÈóÇ ÈöØóÑöíÞóÊößõãõ ÇáúãõËúáóì

63 . They said : Lo! these are two wizards who would drive you out from your country by their magic , and destroy your best traditions ;

listen Ta-ha

ÝóÃóÌúãöÚõæÇ ßóíúÏóßõãú Ëõãøó ÇÆúÊõæÇ ÕóÝøÇð æóÞóÏú ÃóÝúáóÍó Çáúíóæúãó ãóäö ÇÓúÊóÚúáóì

64 . So arrange your plan , and come in battle line . Whoso is uppermost this day will be indeed successful .

listen Ta-ha

ÞóÇáõæÇ íóÇ ãõæÓóì ÅöãøóÇ Ãóä ÊõáúÞöíó æóÅöãøóÇ Ãóä äøóßõæäó Ãóæøóáó ãóäú ÃóáúÞóì

65 . They said : O Moses! Either throw first , or let us be the first to throw?

listen Ta-ha

ÞóÇáó Èóáú ÃóáúÞõæÇ ÝóÅöÐóÇ ÍöÈóÇáõåõãú æóÚöÕöíøõåõãú íõÎóíøóáõ Åöáóíúåö ãöä ÓöÍúÑöåöãú ÃóäøóåóÇ ÊóÓúÚóì

66 . He said : Nay , do ye throw! Then Lo! their cords and their staves , by their magic , appeared to him as though they ran .

listen Ta-ha

ÝóÃóæúÌóÓó Ýöí äóÝúÓöåö ÎöíÝóÉð ãøõæÓóì

67 . And Moses conceived a fear in his mind

listen Ta-ha

ÞõáúäóÇ áóÇ ÊóÎóÝú Åöäøóßó ÃóäÊó ÇáúÃóÚúáóì

68 . We said : Fear not! Lo! thou art the higher .

listen Ta-ha

æóÃóáúÞö ãóÇ Ýöí íóãöíäößó ÊóáúÞóÝú ãóÇ ÕóäóÚõæÇ ÅöäøóãóÇ ÕóäóÚõæÇ ßóíúÏõ ÓóÇÍöÑò æóáóÇ íõÝúáöÍõ ÇáÓøóÇÍöÑõ ÍóíúËõ ÃóÊóì

69 . Throw that which is in thy right hand! It will eat up that which they have made . Lo! that which they have made but a wizards artifice , and a wizard shall not be successful to whatever point ( of skill ) he may attain .

listen Ta-ha

ÝóÃõáúÞöíó ÇáÓøóÍóÑóÉõ ÓõÌøóÏÇð ÞóÇáõæÇ ÂãóäøóÇ ÈöÑóÈøö åóÇÑõæäó æóãõæÓóì

70 . Then the wizards were ( all ) flung down prostrate , crying : We believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses .

listen Ta-ha

ÞóÇáó ÂãóäÊõãú áóåõ ÞóÈúáó Ãóäú ÂÐóäó áóßõãú Åöäøóåõ áóßóÈöíÑõßõãõ ÇáøóÐöí Úóáøóãóßõãõ ÇáÓøöÍúÑó ÝóáóÃõÞóØøöÚóäøó ÃóíúÏöíóßõãú æóÃóÑúÌõáóßõã ãøöäú ÎöáóÇÝò æóáóÃõÕóáøöÈóäøóßõãú Ýöí ÌõÐõæÚö ÇáäøóÎúáö æóáóÊóÚúáóãõäøó ÃóíøõäóÇ ÃóÔóÏøõ ÚóÐóÇÈÇð æóÃóÈúÞóì

71 . ( Pharaoh ) said : Ye put faith in him before I give you leave . Lo! he is your chief who taught you magic . Now surely I shall cut off your hands and your feet alternately , and I shall crucify you on the trunks of palm trees , and ye shall know for certain which of us hath sterner and more lasting punishment .

listen Ta-ha

ÞóÇáõæÇ áóä äøõÄúËöÑóßó Úóáóì ãóÇ ÌóÇÁäóÇ ãöäó ÇáúÈóíøöäóÇÊö æóÇáøóÐöí ÝóØóÑóäóÇ ÝóÇÞúÖö ãóÇ ÃóäÊó ÞóÇÖò ÅöäøóãóÇ ÊóÞúÖöí åóÐöåö ÇáúÍóíóÇÉó ÇáÏøõäúíóÇ

72 . They said : We choose thee not above the clear proofs that have come unto us , and above Him Who created us . So decree what thou wilt decree . Thou wilt end for us only the life of the world .

listen Ta-ha

ÅöäøóÇ ÂãóäøóÇ ÈöÑóÈøöäóÇ áöíóÛúÝöÑó áóäóÇ ÎóØóÇíóÇäóÇ æóãóÇ ÃóßúÑóåúÊóäóÇ Úóáóíúåö ãöäó ÇáÓøöÍúÑö æóÇááøóåõ ÎóíúÑñ æóÃóÈúÞóì

73 . Lo! we believe in our Lord , that He may forgive us our sins and the magic unto which thou didst force us . Allah is better and more lasting .

listen Ta-ha

Åöäøóåõ ãóä íóÃúÊö ÑóÈøóåõ ãõÌúÑöãÇð ÝóÅöäøó áóåõ Ìóåóäøóãó áóÇ íóãõæÊõ ÝöíåóÇ æóáóÇ íóÍúíì

74 . Lo! whoso cometh guilty unto his Lord , verily for him is hell . There he will neither die nor live .

listen Ta-ha

æóãóäú íóÃúÊöåö ãõÄúãöäÇð ÞóÏú Úóãöáó ÇáÕøóÇáöÍóÇÊö ÝóÃõæúáóÆößó áóåõãõ ÇáÏøóÑóÌóÇÊõ ÇáúÚõáóì

75 . But whoso cometh unto Him a believer , having done good works , for such are the high stations ;

listen Ta-ha

ÌóäøóÇÊõ ÚóÏúäò ÊóÌúÑöí ãöä ÊóÍúÊöåóÇ ÇáúÃóäúåóÇÑõ ÎóÇáöÏöíäó ÝöíåóÇ æóÐóáößó ÌóÒóÇÁ ãóä ÊóÒóßøóì

76 . Gardens of Eden underneath which rivers flow , wherein they will abide for ever . That is the reward of him who groweth .

listen Ta-ha

æóáóÞóÏú ÃóæúÍóíúäóÇ Åöáóì ãõæÓóì Ãóäú ÃóÓúÑö ÈöÚöÈóÇÏöí ÝóÇÖúÑöÈú áóåõãú ØóÑöíÞÇð Ýöí ÇáúÈóÍúÑö íóÈóÓÇð áøóÇ ÊóÎóÇÝõ ÏóÑóßÇð æóáóÇ ÊóÎúÔóì

77 . And verily We inspired Moses , saying : Take away My slaves by night and strike for them a dry path in the sea , fearing not to be overtaken , neither being afraid ( of the sea ) .

listen Ta-ha

ÝóÃóÊúÈóÚóåõãú ÝöÑúÚóæúäõ ÈöÌõäõæÏöåö ÝóÛóÔöíóåõã ãøöäó Çáúíóãøö ãóÇ ÛóÔöíóåõãú

78 . Then Pharaoh followed with his hosts and there covered them that which did cover them of the sea .

listen Ta-ha

æóÃóÖóáøó ÝöÑúÚóæúäõ Þóæúãóåõ æóãóÇ åóÏóì

79 . And Pharaoh led his folk astray , he did not guide them .

listen Ta-ha

íóÇ Èóäöí ÅöÓúÑóÇÆöíáó ÞóÏú ÃóäÌóíúäóÇßõã ãøöäú ÚóÏõæøößõãú æóæóÇÚóÏúäóÇßõãú ÌóÇäöÈó ÇáØøõæÑö ÇáúÃóíúãóäó æóäóÒøóáúäóÇ Úóáóíúßõãõ Çáúãóäøó æóÇáÓøóáúæóì

80 . O Children of Israel! We delivered you from your enemy , and We made a covenant with you on the holy mountain ' s side , and sent down on you the manna and the quails ,

listen Ta-ha

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