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Chapter : Ta-ha(20)

Displaying 81-100 of 135 Ayat(s) » page 5/7


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ßõáõæÇ ãöä ØóíøöÈóÇÊö ãóÇ ÑóÒóÞúäóÇßõãú æóáóÇ ÊóØúÛóæúÇ Ýöíåö ÝóíóÍöáøó Úóáóíúßõãú ÛóÖóÈöí æóãóä íóÍúáöáú Úóáóíúåö ÛóÖóÈöí ÝóÞóÏú åóæóì

81 . ( Saying ) : Eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you , and transgress not in respect thereof lest My wrath come upon you ; and he on whom My wrath cometh , he is lost indeed .

listen Ta-ha

æóÅöäøöí áóÛóÝøóÇÑñ áøöãóä ÊóÇÈó æóÂãóäó æóÚóãöáó ÕóÇáöÍÇð Ëõãøó ÇåúÊóÏóì

82 . And lo! verily I am Forgiving toward him who repenteth and believeth and doeth good , and afterward walketh aright .

listen Ta-ha

æóãóÇ ÃóÚúÌóáóßó Úóä Þóæúãößó íóÇ ãõæÓóì

83 . And ( it was said ) : What hath made thee hasten from thy folk , O Moses?

listen Ta-ha

ÞóÇáó åõãú ÃõæáóÇÁ Úóáóì ÃóËóÑöí æóÚóÌöáúÊõ Åöáóíúßó ÑóÈøö áöÊóÑúÖóì

84 . He said : They are close upon my track . I hastened unto Thee that Thou mightest be well pleased .

listen Ta-ha

ÞóÇáó ÝóÅöäøóÇ ÞóÏú ÝóÊóäøóÇ Þóæúãóßó ãöä ÈóÚúÏößó æóÃóÖóáøóåõãõ ÇáÓøóÇãöÑöíøõ

85 . He said : Lo! We have tried thy folk in thine absence , and As-Samiri hath misled thee

listen Ta-ha

ÝóÑóÌóÚó ãõæÓóì Åöáóì Þóæúãöåö ÛóÖúÈóÇäó ÃóÓöÝÇð ÞóÇáó íóÇ Þóæúãö Ãóáóãú íóÚöÏúßõãú ÑóÈøõßõãú æóÚúÏÇð ÍóÓóäÇð ÃóÝóØóÇáó Úóáóíúßõãõ ÇáúÚóåúÏõ Ãóãú ÃóÑóÏÊøõãú Ãóä íóÍöáøó Úóáóíúßõãú ÛóÖóÈñ ãøöä ÑøóÈøößõãú ÝóÃóÎúáóÝúÊõã ãøóæúÚöÏöí

86 . Then Moses went back unto his folk , angry and sad He said : O my people! Hath not your Lord promised you a fair promise? Did the time appointed then appear too long for you , or did ye wish that wrath from your Lord should come upon you , that ye broke tryst with me?

listen Ta-ha

ÞóÇáõæÇ ãóÇ ÃóÎúáóÝúäóÇ ãóæúÚöÏóßó ÈöãóáúßöäóÇ æóáóßöäøóÇ ÍõãøöáúäóÇ ÃóæúÒóÇÑÇð ãøöä ÒöíäóÉö ÇáúÞóæúãö ÝóÞóÐóÝúäóÇåóÇ ÝóßóÐóáößó ÃóáúÞóì ÇáÓøóÇãöÑöíøõ

87 . They said : We broke not tryst with thee of our own will , but we were laden with burdens of ornaments of the folk , then cast them ( in the fire ) , for thus As-Samiri proposed

listen Ta-ha

ÝóÃóÎúÑóÌó áóåõãú ÚöÌúáÇð ÌóÓóÏÇð áóåõ ÎõæóÇÑñ ÝóÞóÇáõæÇ åóÐóÇ Åöáóåõßõãú æóÅöáóåõ ãõæÓóì ÝóäóÓöíó

88 . Then he produced for them a calf , of saffron hue , which gave forth a lowing sound . And they cried : This is your God and the God of Moses , but he hath forgotten .

listen Ta-ha

ÃóÝóáóÇ íóÑóæúäó ÃóáøóÇ íóÑúÌöÚõ Åöáóíúåöãú ÞóæúáÇð æóáóÇ íóãúáößõ áóåõãú ÖóÑøÇð æóáóÇ äóÝúÚÇð

89 . See they not , then , that it returneth no saying unto them and possesseth for them neither hurt nor use?

listen Ta-ha

æóáóÞóÏú ÞóÇáó áóåõãú åóÇÑõæäõ ãöä ÞóÈúáõ íóÇ Þóæúãö ÅöäøóãóÇ ÝõÊöäÊõã Èöåö æóÅöäøó ÑóÈøóßõãõ ÇáÑøóÍúãóäõ ÝóÇÊøóÈöÚõæäöí æóÃóØöíÚõæÇ ÃóãúÑöí

90 . And Aaron indeed had told them beforehand : O my people! Ye are but being seduced therewith , for lo! your Lord is the Beneficent , so follow me and obey my order .

listen Ta-ha

ÞóÇáõæÇ áóä äøóÈúÑóÍó Úóáóíúåö ÚóÇßöÝöíäó ÍóÊøóì íóÑúÌöÚó ÅöáóíúäóÇ ãõæÓóì

91 . They said : We shall by no means cease to be its votaries till Moses return unto us .

listen Ta-ha

ÞóÇáó íóÇ åóÇÑõæäõ ãóÇ ãóäóÚóßó ÅöÐú ÑóÃóíúÊóåõãú ÖóáøõæÇ

92 . He ( Moses ) said : O Aaron! What held thee back when thou didst see them gone astray ,

listen Ta-ha

ÃóáøóÇ ÊóÊøóÈöÚóäö ÃóÝóÚóÕóíúÊó ÃóãúÑöí

93 . That thou followedst me not? Hast thou then disobeyed my order?

listen Ta-ha

ÞóÇáó íóÇ ÇÈúäó Ãõãøó áóÇ ÊóÃúÎõÐú ÈöáöÍúíóÊöí æóáóÇ ÈöÑóÃúÓöí Åöäøöí ÎóÔöíÊõ Ãóä ÊóÞõæáó ÝóÑøóÞúÊó Èóíúäó Èóäöí ÅöÓúÑóÇÆöíáó æóáóãú ÊóÑúÞõÈú Þóæúáöí

94 . He said : O son of my mother! Clutch not my beard nor my head! I feared lest thou shouldst say : Thou hast caused division among the Children of Israel , and hast not waited for my word .

listen Ta-ha

ÞóÇáó ÝóãóÇ ÎóØúÈõßó íóÇ ÓóÇãöÑöíøõ

95 . ( Moses ) said : And what has thou to say , O Samiri?

listen Ta-ha

ÞóÇáó ÈóÕõÑúÊõ ÈöãóÇ áóãú íóÈúÕõÑõæÇ Èöåö ÝóÞóÈóÖúÊõ ÞóÈúÖóÉð ãøöäú ÃóËóÑö ÇáÑøóÓõæáö ÝóäóÈóÐúÊõåóÇ æóßóÐóáößó ÓóæøóáóÊú áöí äóÝúÓöí

96 . He said : I perceived what they perceive not , so I seized a handful from the footsteps of the messenger , and then threw it in . Thus my soul commended to me .

listen Ta-ha

ÞóÇáó ÝóÇÐúåóÈú ÝóÅöäøó áóßó Ýöí ÇáúÍóíóÇÉö Ãóä ÊóÞõæáó áóÇ ãöÓóÇÓó æóÅöäøó áóßó ãóæúÚöÏÇð áøóäú ÊõÎúáóÝóåõ æóÇäÙõÑú Åöáóì Åöáóåößó ÇáøóÐöí ÙóáúÊó Úóáóíúåö ÚóÇßöÝÇð áøóäõÍóÑøöÞóäøóåõ Ëõãøó áóäóäÓöÝóäøóåõ Ýöí Çáúíóãøö äóÓúÝÇð

97 . ( Moses ) said : Then go! And lo! in this life it is for thee to say : Touch me not! and lo! there is for thee a tryst thou canst not break . Now look upon thy god of which thou hast remained a votary . Verily we will burn it and will scatter its dust over the sea .

listen Ta-ha

ÅöäøóãóÇ Åöáóåõßõãõ Çááøóåõ ÇáøóÐöí áóÇ Åöáóåó ÅöáøóÇ åõæó æóÓöÚó ßõáøó ÔóíúÁò ÚöáúãÇð

98 . Your God is only Allah , than Whom there is no other God He embraceth all things in His knowledge .

listen Ta-ha

ßóÐóáößó äóÞõÕøõ Úóáóíúßó ãöäú ÃóäÈóÇÁ ãóÇ ÞóÏú ÓóÈóÞó æóÞóÏú ÂÊóíúäóÇßó ãöä áøóÏõäøóÇ ÐößúÑÇð

99 . Thus relate Who unto thee ( Muhammad ) some tidings of that which happened of old , and We have given thee from Our presence a Reminder .

listen Ta-ha

ãóäú ÃóÚúÑóÖó Úóäúåõ ÝóÅöäøóåõ íóÍúãöáõ íóæúãó ÇáúÞöíóÇãóÉö æöÒúÑÇð

100 . Whoso turneth away from it , he verily will bear a burden on the Day of Resurrection ,

listen Ta-ha

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