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Chapter : As-Saffat(37)

Displaying 1-20 of 182 Ayat(s) » page 1/10


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æóÇáÕøóÇÝøóÇÊö ÕóÝøÇð

1 . By those who set the ranks in battle order

listen As-Saffat


2 . And those who drive away ( the wicked ) with reproof

listen As-Saffat

ÝóÇáÊøóÇáöíóÇÊö ÐößúÑÇð

3 . And those who read ( the Word ) for a reminder ,

listen As-Saffat

Åöäøó Åöáóåóßõãú áóæóÇÍöÏñ

4 . Lo! thy Lord is surely One .

listen As-Saffat

ÑóÈøõ ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö æóÇáúÃóÑúÖö æóãóÇ ÈóíúäóåõãóÇ æóÑóÈøõ ÇáúãóÔóÇÑöÞö

5 . Lord of the heavens and of the earth and all that is between them , and Lord of the sun ' s risings .

listen As-Saffat

ÅöäøóÇ ÒóíøóäøóÇ ÇáÓøóãóÇÁ ÇáÏøõäúíóÇ ÈöÒöíäóÉò ÇáúßóæóÇßöÈö

6 . Lo! We have adorned the lowest heaven with an ornament , the planets :

listen As-Saffat

æóÍöÝúÙÇð ãøöä ßõáøö ÔóíúØóÇäò ãøóÇÑöÏò

7 . With security from every froward devil .

listen As-Saffat

áóÇ íóÓøóãøóÚõæäó Åöáóì ÇáúãóáóÅö ÇáúÃóÚúáóì æóíõÞúÐóÝõæäó ãöä ßõáøö ÌóÇäöÈò

8 . They cannot listen to the Highest Chiefs for they are pelted from every side ,

listen As-Saffat

ÏõÍõæÑÇð æóáóåõãú ÚóÐóÇÈñ æóÇÕöÈñ

9 . Outcast , and theirs is a perpetual torment ;

listen As-Saffat

ÅöáøóÇ ãóäú ÎóØöÝó ÇáúÎóØúÝóÉó ÝóÃóÊúÈóÚóåõ ÔöåóÇÈñ ËóÇÞöÈñ

10 . Save him who snatcheth a fragment , and there pursueth him a piercing flame .

listen As-Saffat

ÝóÇÓúÊóÝúÊöåöãú Ãóåõãú ÃóÔóÏøõ ÎóáúÞÇð Ãóã ãøóäú ÎóáóÞúäóÇ ÅöäøóÇ ÎóáóÞúäóÇåõã ãøöä Øöíäò áøóÇÒöÈò

11 . Then ask them ( O Muhammad ) : Are they stronger as a creation , or those ( others ) whom We have created? Lo! We created them of plastic clay .

listen As-Saffat

Èóáú ÚóÌöÈúÊó æóíóÓúÎóÑõæäó

12 . Nay , but thou dost marvel when they mock

listen As-Saffat

æóÅöÐóÇ ÐõßøöÑõæÇ áóÇ íóÐúßõÑõæäó

13 . And heed not when they are reminded ,

listen As-Saffat

æóÅöÐóÇ ÑóÃóæúÇ ÂíóÉð íóÓúÊóÓúÎöÑõæäó

14 . And seek to scoff when they behold a portent

listen As-Saffat

æóÞóÇáõæÇ Åöäú åóÐóÇ ÅöáøóÇ ÓöÍúÑñ ãøõÈöíäñ

15 . And they say : lo! this is mere magic ;

listen As-Saffat

ÃóÆöÐóÇ ãöÊúäóÇ æóßõäøóÇ ÊõÑóÇÈÇð æóÚöÙóÇãÇð ÃóÆöäøóÇ áóãóÈúÚõæËõæäó

16 . When we are dead and have become dust and bones , shall we then , forsooth , be raised ( again ) ?

listen As-Saffat

ÃóæóÂÈóÇÄõäóÇ ÇáúÃóæøóáõæäó

17 . And our forefathers?

listen As-Saffat

Þõáú äóÚóãú æóÃóäÊõãú ÏóÇÎöÑõæäó

18 . Say ( O Muhammad ) : Yea , in truth ; and ye will be brought low .

listen As-Saffat

ÝóÅöäøóãóÇ åöíó ÒóÌúÑóÉñ æóÇÍöÏóÉñ ÝóÅöÐóÇ åõãú íóäÙõÑõæäó

19 . There is but one Shout , and lo! they behold

listen As-Saffat

æóÞóÇáõæÇ íóÇ æóíúáóäóÇ åóÐóÇ íóæúãõ ÇáÏøöíäö

20 . And say : Ah , woe for us! This is the Day of Judgment .

listen As-Saffat

Displaying » : 1-20 of 182 Chapter(s) » page 1/10


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