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Chapter : Al-Jathiya(45)

Displaying 1-20 of 37 Ayat(s) » page 1/2


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1 . Ha . Mim .

listen Al-Jathiya

ÊóäÒöíáõ ÇáúßöÊóÇÈö ãöäó Çááøóåö ÇáúÚóÒöíÒö ÇáúÍóßöíãö

2 . The revelation of the Scripture is from Allah , the Mighty , the Wise .

listen Al-Jathiya

Åöäøó Ýöí ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö æóÇáúÃóÑúÖö áóÂíóÇÊò áøöáúãõÄúãöäöíäó

3 . Lo! in the heavens and the earth are portents for believers .

listen Al-Jathiya

æóÝöí ÎóáúÞößõãú æóãóÇ íóÈõËøõ ãöä ÏóÇÈøóÉò ÂíóÇÊñ áøöÞóæúãò íõæÞöäõæäó

4 . And in your creation , and all the beasts that He scattered in the earth , are portents for a folk whose faith is sure .

listen Al-Jathiya

æóÇÎúÊöáóÇÝö Çááøóíúáö æóÇáäøóåóÇÑö æóãóÇ ÃóäÒóáó Çááøóåõ ãöäó ÇáÓøóãóÇÁö ãöä ÑøöÒúÞò ÝóÃóÍúíóÇ Èöåö ÇáúÃóÑúÖó ÈóÚúÏó ãóæúÊöåóÇ æóÊóÕúÑöíÝö ÇáÑøöíóÇÍö ÂíóÇÊñ áøöÞóæúãò íóÚúÞöáõæäó

5 . And the difference of night and day and the provision that Allah sendeth down from the sky and thereby quickeneth the earth after her death , and the ordering of the winds , are portents for a people who have sense .

listen Al-Jathiya

Êöáúßó ÂíóÇÊõ Çááøóåö äóÊúáõæåóÇ Úóáóíúßó ÈöÇáúÍóÞøö ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÍóÏöíËò ÈóÚúÏó Çááøóåö æóÂíóÇÊöåö íõÄúãöäõæäó

6 . These are the portents of Allah which We recite unto thee ( Muhammad ) with truth . Then in what fact , after Allah and His portents , will they believe?

listen Al-Jathiya

æóíúáñ áøößõáøö ÃóÝøóÇßò ÃóËöíãò

7 . Woe unto each sinful liar ,

listen Al-Jathiya

íóÓúãóÚõ ÂíóÇÊö Çááøóåö ÊõÊúáóì Úóáóíúåö Ëõãøó íõÕöÑøõ ãõÓúÊóßúÈöÑÇð ßóÃóä áøóãú íóÓúãóÚúåóÇ ÝóÈóÔøöÑúåõ ÈöÚóÐóÇÈò Ãóáöíãò

8 . Who heareth the revelations of Allah receive unto him , and then continueth in pride as though he heard them not . Give him tidings of a painful doom .

listen Al-Jathiya

æóÅöÐóÇ Úóáöãó ãöäú ÂíóÇÊöäóÇ ÔóíúÆÇð ÇÊøóÎóÐóåóÇ åõÒõæÇð ÃõæúáóÆößó áóåõãú ÚóÐóÇÈñ ãøõåöíäñ

9 . And when he knoweth aught of Our revelations he maketh it a jest . For such there is a shameful doom .

listen Al-Jathiya

ãöä æóÑóÇÆöåöãú Ìóåóäøóãõ æóáóÇ íõÛúäöí Úóäúåõã ãøóÇ ßóÓóÈõæÇ ÔóíúÆÇð æóáóÇ ãóÇ ÇÊøóÎóÐõæÇ ãöä Ïõæäö Çááøóåö ÃóæúáöíóÇÁ æóáóåõãú ÚóÐóÇÈñ ÚóÙöíãñ

10 . Beyond them there is hell , and that which they have earned will naught avail them , nor those whom they have chosen for protecting friends beside Allah . Theirs will be an awful doom .

listen Al-Jathiya

åóÐóÇ åõÏðì æóÇáøóÐöíäó ßóÝóÑõæÇ ÈöÂíóÇÊö ÑóÈøöåöãú áóåõãú ÚóÐóÇÈñ ãøóä ÑøöÌúÒò Ãóáöíãñ

11 . This is guidance . And those who disbelieve the revelations of their Lord , for them there is a painful doom of wrath .

listen Al-Jathiya

Çááøóåõ ÇáøóÐöí ÓÎøóÑó áóßõãõ ÇáúÈóÍúÑó áöÊóÌúÑöíó ÇáúÝõáúßõ Ýöíåö ÈöÃóãúÑöåö æóáöÊóÈúÊóÛõæÇ ãöä ÝóÖúáöåö æóáóÚóáøóßõãú ÊóÔúßõÑõæäó

12 . Allah it is Who hath made the sea of service unto you that the ships may run thereon by His command , and that ye may seek of His bounty , and that haply ye may be thankful ;

listen Al-Jathiya

æóÓóÎøóÑó áóßõã ãøóÇ Ýöí ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö æóãóÇ Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö ÌóãöíÚÇð ãøöäúåõ Åöäøó Ýöí Ðóáößó áóÂíóÇÊò áøóÞóæúãò íóÊóÝóßøóÑõæäó

13 . And hath made of service unto you whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth ; it is all from Him . Lo! herein verily are portents for people who reflect .

listen Al-Jathiya

Þõá áøöáøóÐöíäó ÂãóäõæÇ íóÛúÝöÑõæÇ áöáøóÐöíäó áÇ íóÑúÌõæä ÃóíøóÇãó Çááøóåö áöíóÌúÒöíó ÞóæúãÇð ÈöãÇ ßóÇäõæÇ íóßúÓöÈõæäó

14 . Tell those who believe to forgive those who hope not for the days of Allah ; in order that He may requite folk what they used to earn .

listen Al-Jathiya

ãóäú Úóãöáó ÕóÇáöÍÇð ÝóáöäóÝúÓöåö æóãóäú ÃóÓóÇÁ ÝóÚóáóíúåóÇ Ëõãøó Åöáóì ÑóÈøößõãú ÊõÑúÌóÚõæäó

15 . Whoso doeth right , it is for his soul , and whoso doeth wrong , it is against it . And afterward unto your Lord ye will be brought back .

listen Al-Jathiya

æóáóÞóÏú ÂÊóíúäóÇ Èóäöí ÅöÓúÑóÇÆöíáó ÇáúßöÊóÇÈó æóÇáúÍõßúãó æóÇáäøõÈõæøóÉó æóÑóÒóÞúäóÇåõã ãøöäó ÇáØøóíøöÈóÇÊö æóÝóÖøóáúäóÇåõãú Úóáóì ÇáúÚóÇáóãöíäó

16 . And verily We gave the Children of Israel the Scripture and the Command and the Prophethood , and provided them with good things and favored them above ( all ) peoples ;

listen Al-Jathiya

æóÂÊóíúäóÇåõã ÈóíøöäóÇÊò ãøöäó ÇáúÃóãúÑö ÝóãóÇ ÇÎúÊóáóÝõæÇ ÅöáøóÇ ãöä ÈóÚúÏö ãóÇ ÌóÇÁåõãú ÇáúÚöáúãõ ÈóÛúíÇð Èóíúäóåõãú Åöäøó ÑóÈøóßó íóÞúÖöí Èóíúäóåõãú íóæúãó ÇáúÞöíóÇãóÉö ÝöíãóÇ ßóÇäõæÇ Ýöíåö íóÎúÊóáöÝõæäó

17 . And gave them plain commandments . And they differed not until after the knowledge came unto them , through rivalry among themselves . Lo! thy Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they used to differ .

listen Al-Jathiya

Ëõãøó ÌóÚóáúäóÇßó Úóáóì ÔóÑöíÚóÉò ãøöäó ÇáúÃóãúÑö ÝóÇÊøóÈöÚúåóÇ æóáóÇ ÊóÊøóÈöÚú ÃóåúæóÇÁ ÇáøóÐöíäó áóÇ íóÚúáóãõæäó

18 . And now have We set thee ( O Muhammad ) on a clear road of ( Our ) commandment ; so follow it , and follow not the whims of those who know not .

listen Al-Jathiya

Åöäøóåõãú áóä íõÛúäõæÇ Úóäßó ãöäó Çááøóåö ÔóíÆÇð æÅöäøó ÇáÙøóÇáöãöíäó ÈóÚúÖõåõãú ÃóæúáöíóÇÁ ÈóÚúÖò æóÇááøóåõ æóáöíøõ ÇáúãõÊøóÞöíäó

19 . Lo! they can avail thee naught against Allah . And lo! as for the wrong doers , some of them are friends of others ; and Allah is the Friend of those who ward off ( evil ) .

listen Al-Jathiya

åóÐóÇ ÈóÕóÇÆöÑõ áöáäøóÇÓö æóåõÏðì æóÑóÍúãóÉñ áøöÞóæúãö íõæÞöäõæäó

20 . This is clear indication for mankind , and a guidance and a mercy for a folk whose faith is sure .

listen Al-Jathiya

Displaying » : 1-20 of 37 Chapter(s) » page 1/2


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