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Chapter : As-Saff(61)

Displaying 1-14 of 14 Ayat(s) » page 1/1


ÓóÈøóÍó áöáøóåö ãóÇ Ýöí ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö æóãóÇ Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö æóåõæó ÇáúÚóÒöíÒõ ÇáúÍóßöíãõ

1 . All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth glorifieth Allah , and He is the Mighty , the Wise .

listen As-Saff

íóÇ ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáøóÐöíäó ÂóãóäõæÇ áöãó ÊóÞõæáõæäó ãóÇ áóÇ ÊóÝúÚóáõæäó

2 . O ye who believe! why say ye that which ye do not?

listen As-Saff

ßóÈõÑó ãóÞúÊÇð ÚöäÏó Çááøóåö Ãóä ÊóÞõæáõæÇ ãóÇ áóÇ ÊóÝúÚóáõæäó

3 . It is most hateful in the sight of Allah that ye say that which ye do not .

listen As-Saff

Åöäøó Çááøóåó íõÍöÈøõ ÇáøóÐöíäó íõÞóÇÊöáõæäó Ýöí ÓóÈöíáöåö ÕóÝøÇð ßóÃóäøóåõã ÈõäíóÇäñ ãøóÑúÕõæÕñ

4 . Lo! Allah loveth those who battle for His cause in ranks , as if they were a solid structure .

listen As-Saff

æóÅöÐú ÞóÇáó ãõæÓóì áöÞóæúãöåö íóÇ Þóæúãö áöãó ÊõÄúÐõæäóäöí æóÞóÏ ÊøóÚúáóãõæäó Ãóäøöí ÑóÓõæáõ Çááøóåö Åöáóíúßõãú ÝóáóãøóÇ ÒóÇÛõæÇ ÃóÒóÇÛó Çááøóåõ ÞõáõæÈóåõãú æóÇááøóåõ áóÇ íóåúÏöí ÇáúÞóæúãó ÇáúÝóÇÓöÞöíäó

5 . And ( remember ) when Moses said unto his people : O my people! Why persecute ye me , when ye well know that I am Allah ' s messenger unto you? So when they went astray Allah sent their hearts astray . And Allah guideth not the evil living folk .

listen As-Saff

æóÅöÐú ÞóÇáó ÚöíÓóì ÇÈúäõ ãóÑúíóãó íóÇ Èóäöí ÅöÓúÑóÇÆöíáó Åöäøöí ÑóÓõæáõ Çááøóåö Åöáóíúßõã ãøõÕóÏøöÞÇð áøöãóÇ Èóíúäó íóÏóíøó ãöäó ÇáÊøóæúÑóÇÉö æóãõÈóÔøöÑÇð ÈöÑóÓõæáò íóÃúÊöí ãöä ÈóÚúÏöí ÇÓúãõåõ ÃóÍúãóÏõ ÝóáóãøóÇ ÌóÇÁåõã ÈöÇáúÈóíøöäóÇÊö ÞóÇáõæÇ åóÐóÇ ÓöÍúÑñ ãøõÈöíäñ

6 . And when Jesus son of Mary said : O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah unto you , confirming that which was ( revealed ) before me in the Torah , and bringing good tidings of a messenger who cometh after me , whose name is the Praised One . Yet when be hath come unto them with clear proofs , they say : This is mere magic .

listen As-Saff

æóãóäú ÃóÙúáóãõ ãöãøóäö ÇÝúÊóÑóì Úóáóì Çááøóåö ÇáúßóÐöÈó æóåõæó íõÏúÚóì Åöáóì ÇáúÅöÓúáóÇãö æóÇááøóåõ áóÇ íóåúÏöí ÇáúÞóæúãó ÇáÙøóÇáöãöíäó

7 . And who doth greater wrong than he who inventeth a lie against Allah when he is summoned unto Al Islam . And Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk .

listen As-Saff

íõÑöíÏõæäó áöíõØúÝöÄõæÇ äõæÑó Çááøóåö ÈöÃóÝúæóÇåöåöãú æóÇááøóåõ ãõÊöãøõ äõæÑöåö æóáóæú ßóÑöåó ÇáúßóÇÝöÑõæäó

8 . Fain would they put out the light of Allah with their mouths , but Allah will perfect His light however much the disbelievers are averse .

listen As-Saff

åõæó ÇáøóÐöí ÃóÑúÓóáó ÑóÓõæáóåõ ÈöÇáúåõÏóì æóÏöíäö ÇáúÍóÞøö áöíõÙúåöÑóåõ Úóáóì ÇáÏøöíäö ßõáøöåö æóáóæú ßóÑöåó ÇáúãõÔúÑößõæäó

9 . He it is who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth , that He may make it conqueror of all religion however much idolaters may be averse .

listen As-Saff

íóÇ ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáøóÐöíäó ÂóãóäõæÇ åóáú ÃóÏõáøõßõãú Úóáóì ÊöÌóÇÑóÉò ÊõäÌöíßõã ãøöäú ÚóÐóÇÈò Ãóáöíãò

10 . O ye who believe! Shall I show you a commerce that will save you from a painful doom?

listen As-Saff

ÊõÄúãöäõæäó ÈöÇááøóåö æóÑóÓõæáöåö æóÊõÌóÇåöÏõæäó Ýöí ÓóÈöíáö Çááøóåö ÈöÃóãúæóÇáößõãú æóÃóäÝõÓößõãú Ðóáößõãú ÎóíúÑñ áøóßõãú Åöä ßõäÊõãú ÊóÚúáóãõæäó

11 . Ye should believe in Allah and His messenger , and should strive for the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives . That is better for you , if ye did but know .

listen As-Saff

íóÛúÝöÑú áóßõãú ÐõäõæÈóßõãú æóíõÏúÎöáúßõãú ÌóäøóÇÊò ÊóÌúÑöí ãöä ÊóÍúÊöåóÇ ÇáúÃóäúåóÇÑõ æóãóÓóÇßöäó ØóíøöÈóÉð Ýöí ÌóäøóÇÊö ÚóÏúäò Ðóáößó ÇáúÝóæúÒõ ÇáúÚóÙöíãõ

12 . He will forgive you your sins and bring you into Gardens underneath which rivers flow , and pleasant dwellings in Gardens of Eden . That is the supreme triumph .

listen As-Saff

æóÃõÎúÑóì ÊõÍöÈøõæäóåóÇ äóÕúÑñ ãøöäó Çááøóåö æóÝóÊúÍñ ÞóÑöíÈñ æóÈóÔøöÑö ÇáúãõÄúãöäöíäó

13 . And ( He will give you ) another blessing which ye love : help from Allah and present victory . Give good tidings ( O Muhammad ) to believers .

listen As-Saff

íóÇ ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáøóÐöíäó ÂóãóäõæÇ ßõæäæÇ ÃóäÕóÇÑó Çááøóåö ßóãóÇ ÞóÇáó ÚöíÓóì ÇÈúäõ ãóÑúíóãó áöáúÍóæóÇÑöíøöíäó ãóäú ÃóäÕóÇÑöí Åöáóì Çááøóåö ÞóÇáó ÇáúÍóæóÇÑöíøõæäó äóÍúäõ ÃóäÕóÇÑõ Çááøóåö ÝóÂóãóäóÊ ØøóÇÆöÝóÉñ ãøöä Èóäöí ÅöÓúÑóÇÆöíáó æóßóÝóÑóÊ ØøóÇÆöÝóÉñ ÝóÃóíøóÏúäóÇ ÇáøóÐöíäó ÂóãóäõæÇ Úóáóì ÚóÏõæøöåöãú ÝóÃóÕúÈóÍõæÇ ÙóÇåöÑöíäó

14 . O ye who believe! Be Allah ' s helpers , even as Jesus son of Mary said unto the disciples : Who are my helpers for Allah? They said : We are Allah ' s helpers . And a party of the Children of Israel believed , while a party disbelieved . Then We strengthened those who believed against their foe , and they became the uppermost .

listen As-Saff

Displaying » : 1-14 of 14 Chapter(s) » page 1/1


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