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Chapter : Al-Mursalat(77)

Displaying 1-20 of 50 Ayat(s) » page 1/3


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æóÇáúãõÑúÓóáóÇÊö ÚõÑúÝÇ

1 . By the emissary winds , ( sent ) one after another

listen Al-Mursalat


2 . By the raging hurricanes ,

listen Al-Mursalat

æóÇáäøóÇÔöÑóÇÊö äóÔúÑÇð

3 . By those which cause earth ' s vegetation to revive ;

listen Al-Mursalat


4 . By those who winnow with a winnowing ,

listen Al-Mursalat

ÝóÇáúãõáúÞöíóÇÊö ÐößúÑÇð

5 . By those who bring down the Reminder ,

listen Al-Mursalat

ÚõÐúÑÇð Ãóæú äõÐúÑÇð

6 . To excuse or to warn ,

listen Al-Mursalat

ÅöäøóãóÇ ÊõæÚóÏõæäó áóæóÇÞöÚñ

7 . Surely that which ye are promised will befall .

listen Al-Mursalat

ÝóÅöÐóÇ ÇáäøõÌõæãõ ØõãöÓóÊú

8 . So when the stars are put out ,

listen Al-Mursalat

æóÅöÐóÇ ÇáÓøóãóÇÁ ÝõÑöÌóÊú

9 . And when the sky is riven asunder ,

listen Al-Mursalat

æóÅöÐóÇ ÇáúÌöÈóÇáõ äõÓöÝóÊú

10 . And when the mountains are blown away ,

listen Al-Mursalat

æóÅöÐóÇ ÇáÑøõÓõáõ ÃõÞøöÊóÊú

11 . And when the messengers are brought unto their time appointed

listen Al-Mursalat

áöÃóíøö íóæúãò ÃõÌøöáóÊú

12 . For what day is the time appointed?

listen Al-Mursalat

áöíóæúãö ÇáúÝóÕúáö

13 . For the Day of Decision .

listen Al-Mursalat

æóãóÇ ÃóÏúÑóÇßó ãóÇ íóæúãõ ÇáúÝóÕúáö

14 . And what will convey unto thee what the Day of Decision is!

listen Al-Mursalat

æóíúáñ íóæúãóÆöÐò áøöáúãõßóÐøöÈöíäó

15 . Woe unto the repudiators on that day!

listen Al-Mursalat

Ãóáóãú äõåúáößö ÇáúÃóæøóáöíäó

16 . Destroyed We not the former folk ,

listen Al-Mursalat

Ëõãøó äõÊúÈöÚõåõãõ ÇáúÂÎöÑöíäó

17 . Then caused the latter folk to follow after?

listen Al-Mursalat

ßóÐóáößó äóÝúÚóáõ ÈöÇáúãõÌúÑöãöíäó

18 . Thus deal We ever with the guilty .

listen Al-Mursalat

æóíúáñ íóæúãóÆöÐò áøöáúãõßóÐøöÈöíäó

19 . Woe unto the repudiators on that day!

listen Al-Mursalat

Ãóáóãú äóÎúáõÞßøõã ãøöä ãøóÇÁ ãøóåöíäò

20 . Did We not create you from a base fluid

listen Al-Mursalat

Displaying » : 1-20 of 50 Chapter(s) » page 1/3


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