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Chapter : Sad(38)

Displaying 1-20 of 88 Ayat(s) » page 1/5


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Õ æóÇáúÞõÑúÂäö Ðöí ÇáÐøößúÑö

1 . Sad . By the renowned Quran ,

listen Sad

Èóáö ÇáøóÐöíäó ßóÝóÑõæÇ Ýöí ÚöÒøóÉò æóÔöÞóÇÞò

2 . Nay , but those who disbelieve are in false pride and schism .

listen Sad

ßóãú ÃóåúáóßúäóÇ ãöä ÞóÈúáöåöã ãøöä ÞóÑúäò ÝóäóÇÏóæúÇ æóáóÇÊó Íöíäó ãóäóÇÕò

3 . How many a generation We destroyed before them , and they cried out when it was no longer the time for escape!

listen Sad

æóÚóÌöÈõæÇ Ãóä ÌóÇÁåõã ãøõäÐöÑñ ãøöäúåõãú æóÞóÇáó ÇáúßóÇÝöÑõæäó åóÐóÇ ÓóÇÍöÑñ ßóÐøóÇÈñ

4 . And they marvel that a warner from among themselves hath come unto them , and the disbelievers say : This is a wizard , a charlatan .

listen Sad

ÃóÌóÚóáó ÇáúÂáöåóÉó ÅöáóåÇð æóÇÍöÏÇð Åöäøó åóÐóÇ áóÔóíúÁñ ÚõÌóÇÈñ

5 . Maketh he the gods One God? Lo! that is an astounding thing .

listen Sad

æóÇäØóáóÞó ÇáúãóáóÃõ ãöäúåõãú Ãóäö ÇãúÔõæÇ æóÇÕúÈöÑõæÇ Úóáóì ÂáöåóÊößõãú Åöäøó åóÐóÇ áóÔóíúÁñ íõÑóÇÏõ

6 . The chiefs among them go about , exhorting : Go and be staunch to your gods! Lo! this is a thing designed .

listen Sad

ãóÇ ÓóãöÚúäóÇ ÈöåóÐóÇ Ýöí ÇáúãöáøóÉö ÇáúÂÎöÑóÉö Åöäú åóÐóÇ ÅöáøóÇ ÇÎúÊöáóÇÞñ

7 . We have not heard of this in later religion . This is naught but an invention .

listen Sad

ÃóÃõäÒöáó Úóáóíúåö ÇáÐøößúÑõ ãöä ÈóíúäöäóÇ Èóáú åõãú Ýöí Ôóßøò ãøöä ÐößúÑöí Èóáú áóãøóÇ íóÐõæÞõæÇ ÚóÐóÇÈö

8 . Hath the reminder been revealed unto him ( alone ) among us? Nay , but they are in doubt concerning My reminder ; nay but they have not yet tasted My doom .

listen Sad

Ãóãú ÚöäÏóåõãú ÎóÒóÇÆöäõ ÑóÍúãóÉö ÑóÈøößó ÇáúÚóÒöíÒö ÇáúæóåøóÇÈö

9 . Or are theirs the treasures of the mercy of thy Lord , the Mighty , the Bestower?

listen Sad

Ãóãú áóåõã ãøõáúßõ ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö æóÇáúÃóÑúÖö æóãóÇ ÈóíúäóåõãóÇ ÝóáúíóÑúÊóÞõæÇ Ýöí ÇáúÃóÓúÈóÇÈö

10 . Or is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them theirs? Then let them ascend by ropes!

listen Sad

ÌõäÏñ ãøóÇ åõäóÇáößó ãóåúÒõæãñ ãøöäó ÇáúÃóÍúÒóÇÈö

11 . A defeated host are ( all ) the factions that are there .

listen Sad

ßóÐøóÈóÊú ÞóÈúáóåõãú Þóæúãõ äõæÍò æóÚóÇÏñ æóÝöÑúÚóæúäõ Ðõæ ÇáúÃóæúÊóÇÏö

12 . The folk of Noah before them denied ( their messenger ) and ( so did the tribe of ) Aad , and Pharaoh firmly planted ,

listen Sad

æóËóãõæÏõ æóÞóæúãõ áõæØò æóÃóÕúÍóÇÈõ ÇáÃóíúßóÉö ÃõæúáóÆößó ÇáúÃóÍúÒóÇÈõ

13 . And ( the tribe of ) Thamud ; and the folk of Lot , and the dwellers in the wood : these were the factions .

listen Sad

Åöä ßõáøñ ÅöáøóÇ ßóÐøóÈó ÇáÑøõÓõáó ÝóÍóÞøó ÚöÞóÇÈö

14 . Not one of them but did deny the messengers , therefor My doom was justified ,

listen Sad

æóãóÇ íóäÙõÑõ åóÄõáóÇÁ ÅöáøóÇ ÕóíúÍóÉð æóÇÍöÏóÉð ãøóÇ áóåóÇ ãöä ÝóæóÇÞò

15 . These wait for but one Shout , there will be no second thereto .

listen Sad

æóÞóÇáõæÇ ÑóÈøóäóÇ ÚóÌøöá áøóäóÇ ÞöØøóäóÇ ÞóÈúáó íóæúãö ÇáúÍöÓóÇÈö

16 . They say : Our Lord! Hasten on for us our fate before the Day of Reckoning .

listen Sad

ÇÕúÈöÑú Úóáóì ãóÇ íóÞõæáõæäó æóÇÐúßõÑú ÚóÈúÏóäóÇ ÏóÇæõæÏó ÐóÇ ÇáúÃóíúÏö Åöäøóåõ ÃóæøóÇÈñ

17 . Bear with what they say , and remember Our bondman David , lord of might . Lo! he was ever turning in repentance ( toward Allah ) .

listen Sad

ÅöäøóÇ ÓóÎøóÑúäóÇ ÇáúÌöÈóÇáó ãóÚóåõ íõÓóÈøöÍúäó ÈöÇáúÚóÔöíøö æóÇáúÅöÔúÑóÇÞö

18 . Lo! We subdued the hills to hymn the praises ( of their Lord ) with him at nightfall and sunrise ,

listen Sad

æóÇáØøóíúÑó ãóÍúÔõæÑóÉð ßõáøñ áøóåõ ÃóæøóÇÈñ

19 . And the birds assembled ; all were turning unto Him

listen Sad

æóÔóÏóÏúäóÇ ãõáúßóåõ æóÂÊóíúäóÇåõ ÇáúÍößúãóÉó æóÝóÕúáó ÇáúÎöØóÇÈö

20 . We made his kingdom strong and gave him wisdom and decisive speech .

listen Sad

Displaying » : 1-20 of 88 Chapter(s) » page 1/5


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